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Most of the data is provided by the owner of the product and therefore my contain markting material.

Name des Werkzeugs:
Name of Tool:
Web Service Invoker
Company Name:
Soft Studio

Debugging/Test Tool

Visual Studio .NET Add-In:
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch): Test und Debug für Webservices
Description (English): Web Service Invoker (WS Invoker) is a tool that can help you to access and debug any web service. It is not important how this web service was made (what programming language was used and what operation system is used to run it), because WS Invoker used pure WSDL definition for work.
Beschreibung (Deutsch): Web Service Invoker (WS Invoker) is a tool that can help you to access and debug any web service. It is not important how this web service was made (what programming language was used and what operation system is used to run it), because WS Invoker used pure WSDL definition for work.
Aktuelle Version:
Current Version:

Preis: (Euro oder US-Dollar)
Price (Euros or US-Dollar):

URL für weitere Informationen:
URL for information:
Remarks (English):


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